Every year Krishi Vigyan Kendra conducts frontline demonstrations on farmer's fields on various technologies released by research institutes and state universities to realize the production potential of crops. These are mainly related to latest released varieties, methods to control pest & diseases, technologies to increase yields, agricultural implements to reduce drudgery of women, technologies to reduce production cost etc.
On Farm Testing are being conducted to assess and refine the techniques for various crops, enterprises, mechanization on various aspects. Agriculture Universities/ICAR Institutes recommend different technology on large scale. Due to variation in agro-climatic situation and soil types, few technologies cannot perform to its potential level and needs some minor modifications at grass root level. Extension Activities For effective transfer of technology upto grass root level, every year KVK conducts different extension activities like kisan goshthi, kisan mela, farmer seminar, technology week, field day, method demonstration, night meeting, SHGs meeting, celebration days, Animal camp, diagnostic visit, publication etc. KVK Gandhinagar has also provides mobile SMS through which mobile sms on agro advisory, weather forecast, current market rates, govt. schemes etc. to farmers These activities help KVK to reach large masses of farmers with information on advances in agriculture.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Gujarat vidyapith Randheja, Gandhinagar

Email : kvkgandhinagar@gmail.com
Phone/Fax : 07923975223
URL : www.kvkrandheja.org



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