About Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Krishi vigyan kendra

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Randheja, Gandhinagar was established in 1977 under the affiliation of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and administrative control of Gujarat Vidyapith (Deemed University), Ahmedabad for speedy transfer of technology to the farmers' fields. The main aim of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institutions and its transfer to the farmer’s field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis. To fulfil the aim, KVK conducts various activities like training, front line demonstration, on farm testing and different extension activities.

Mandates of KVK

  • To test and refine the technologies at farmers field through On Farm testing (OFT) under various farming systems.

  • To demonstrate various agro techniques to generate production data and feedback information on farmers field through Front Line Demonstrations (FLD).

  • To organize various need based Vocational and professional training programmes for Practicing Farmers, Rural Youths & Extension Functionaries to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies.

  • organizes extension activities to create awareness about improved agricultural technologies to facilitate fast diffusion and adoption of technologies in agriculture and allied sectors.

  • To work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.

Crop/Enterprise Thrust area
Field crops Natural Resorce Management
Enhancing the productivity of major crops
Horticultural crops Value Addition & Processing
Enhancing productivity of vegetables crops
Agricultural Engineering Farm Mechanisation
Water Resorce Management
Animal Husbandry Infertility Management
Fodder Management
Home Science Empowerment of farm women and rural youth
Nutritional management in farmers families
Plant protection Integrated plant protection techniques

KVK actively focused on areas

  • 1.Promoting organic farming.
  • 2.Increase the productivity of cotton, castor, wheat and pulses in particular.
  • 3.Increase milk production.
  • 4.Sustainable soil health management.
  • 5.Income generation activities for rural youth through skill oriented vocational training programme.
  • 6.Integrated approach for the control of pests and diseases.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Gujarat vidyapith Randheja, Gandhinagar

Email : kvkgandhinagar@gmail.com
Phone/Fax : 07923975223
URL : www.kvkrandheja.org



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